The Troydo quarry
The Troydo quarry
The Troydo quarry is a Belgian bluestone quarry located in Wallonia.
Our bluestone blocks are extracted by a gentle cutting method which guarantees consistent, large, semi-finished products. Our equipment allows us to obtain bluestone blocks and slabs of several thicknesses as quickly as possible.
Pierre Bleue de Wallonie S.A.
Carrière du Troydo
Lieu-Dit Troydo 151
GPS address: Rue du Brihi Triou
RC Huy 30 967
Carrière du Troydo
Tel: +32(0)86 36 67 81
Fax: +32(0)86 36 67 79
VAT: BE0419.933.982
Bank details: Fortis BE24 2400 4093 7438 – ING BE34 3350 0291 4490 – CBC BE87 7326 9424 3094
The quarry is open Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
You can make an appointment by telephone between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on working days.
Why buy Little Granite from the Troydo quarry?
- Products in slabs, blocks or reverse
- Quality, material selection: stones are strickly selected
- Full traceability of each block, for standardised deliverable parts
- Choice of blue stone blocks/slabs by the client in the quarry
- Consistency of the block, complete limestone for monuments
- Extraction by a ‘gentle’ technique with a diamond wire saw for quality limestone
- Squaring of the blocks and cutting to leave unsuitable offcuts in the quarry
- Reserves that will last for several decades
- Quarry is respectful of the environment
Sustainable development
Sustainable development
The Troydo quarry is located in Ouffet, far from residential areas and surrounded by vegetation. Several sustainable development initiatives have been implemented around the quarry to ensure that nature and biodiversity are preserved.